Emitte Spiritum Tuum et Creabuntur et Renovabis Faciem Terrae.
Our circumstance is exceptional. Society has not collapsed and yet every institution foments from the mouth heinous works that serve as symbols of what is in their revolutionary hearts. Our current state can only be said to be a chastisement-- an exceptional punishment. God has permitted the devil to realize his aesthetic in society to a degree never seen.
The Church Militant must match, no, supersede in manifesting the aesthetic of the Angels. But what will this look like? This is the function of hope-- the expectation of things unseen. To hope, however, is not to sit idle. Instead, it is to forge ahead to a seemingly insurmountable objective despite not having every means entirely worked out.
We can, however, provide one path, namely, that each soul pertinaciously transfigures himself and his domain using his wits and determination.
This general mean can be used as the starting point for concrete stratagems aimed at healing temporal society's aesthetics. What we mean by transfiguration may take on many forms upon the reflection of a man in his respective profession. The carpenter will astutely stimulate the restoration of the noble customs once present in his craft. He may reintroduce the tendency to imbue a work with tasteful ornamentation or resolve to avoid cliche and dull renovations while working within certain budget constraints.
The restaurant owner will strive to grow some products in his region and limit his ambitions to the local families. Why? To avoid unnecessary outsourcing, a practice that guts a product of its character. The salesman may reintroduce the customs in the Rules of Christian Decorum by St. John Baptiste de la Salle and with their beauty and authenticity curb the superficiality and exaggerated modus vivendi in characters of the field. By his refinement, he will cause souls to admire and imitate and their imitation will cause peace to flourish in their souls. We could cite more examples, however, we will limit ourselves here. We do encourage you to imagine some for yourself and petition our Lady to grant us these characters.
Suffice it to say sagacious souls, devoted to prayer, study, and action will aid in restoring society's beauty.
Our circumstance is exceptional and our battle is most metaphysical. May God grant us leaders in every organ of society zealous to renew the face of the earth.
Source: Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites in the Allocutions of Pius XII by Plinio Correa de Oliviera
Painting: Elizabeth Throckmorton, Canoness of the Order of the Dames Augustines Anglaises, 1729 by Nicolas de Largillierre